REALTOR® || Landy Frost Group
700 Rio Grande St, Austin TX 78701
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As a Realtor in Austin, Texas, Sam is dedicated to helping clients find their dream homes using his expertise in design and knowledge of the local real estate market. He values finding balance and growth in all aspects of his life and strives to embody the archetypes of the determined hero and the brave warrior.
Sam uses running as a form of meditation and is dedicated to continuous personal development. He possesses a caring and empathetic nature, often going above and beyond to help others and provide support. His attention to detail and ability to understand the needs of his clients make him an exceptional Realtor.
Sam is aware of the lesson from Roosevelt’s “The Man in the Arena”, that it is not the critic who counts, but the one who is actually in the arena and trying their best, who deserves credit. This belief drives Sam to put in the hard work and effort required to achieve his goals and to be a trusted advisor to his clients.
Overall, Sam is a skilled and well-rounded Realtor with a passion for fitness, design, and the pursuit of a fulfilling life, embodying the characteristics of a natural healer and leader.