After having spent more than a dozen years living in New York City, Chris decided it was time to return ‘home’ to Austin, the city where he was born, and grew up. In the seven years since his return, he has established himself as a highly qualified real-estate professional with experience in residential sales and development. Chris’ development projects have been focused on historic preservation, and senior / multi-family living. Chris is fluent both in Spanish and Portuguese, and has worked with many clients from both Europe and South America.
Although Chris greatly enjoyed his time as a New Yorker, he knew that he always would be a Texan at heart. He returned to Austin to be around people with similar values—love of family and place, and a true desire to be of service to others. Chris also wanted to return to his hometown, where he felt he could make a difference not only in its future growth but by serving as an ambassador to new arrivals and a catalyst for new ideas and growth.
Chris has an intimate knowledge of Austin shared by few others. He has lived through a number of economic cycles, seeing the city transform itself from a sleepy college town on the banks of the Colorado River—which came alive once every two summers during the Legislative Session—to a a world-class city, that has international festivals and sporting events, and host visitors year-round!
Travel is a major passion of his; in addition to Austin and New York, Chris has lived in four countries on two different continents and has traveled to more than 50 countries. Along with his work as an Agent and developer in Central Texas, Chris has successfully found the intersection of two of his passions (real estate and travel) and is currently working as a consultant on residential and hospitality projects in the Yucatan
(Mexico) and Lisbon (Portugal).